Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Sorry Guys but I'll take a break from posting daily at this time. Maybe I'll post once or twice a week. The reason, what the fuck do you care? Nahhh, just kidding. I have a self made animation project I'm working on, and I guess blogging would just delay things, so there. And another thing is I'm fucking lazy. Yea. So that's it sorry guys but get used to it! lol.

At the mean time check out my friend's anime blog too... Which can be found here.
Subarashi-kun's blog has been one of the reason why I started blogging too. So for god's sake why are you still reading here. I told you to click on the fucking link!

So till next time folks, Watch out for my next post which is about Neon Genesis Evangelion - The Review. .


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