Thursday, May 26, 2011

My First Fucking Post! BLEACH REVIEW!

Oh here we are again. The first post of a blogger on his blog. 70% of the time, after the "PUBLISH POST" button has been pressed, never will that blogger come back to write another. But luckily I'm on the other 30%, so lucky you. XD

Without further ado, my first post is about Bleach.

If you don't know what Bleach is, then run outside and kill yourself.

I am not joking. No, I am.

Bleach is one of the big three. Together with Naruto and One Piece. I mean, it was once. About 2 years ago, Bleach was on par with the other two powerhouses. Some random fanboy even said it's better than the others. But that's bullshit. Yeah, Bleach was great and all, until Ichigo saved Rukia. After that it became a shitstorm. A lousy filler arc, then ANOTHER SAVE SOMEONE arc?

Mr. Kubo, it was awesome when Ichigo finally got Rukia but, it won't happen again if he got Orihime, it's been there, than THAT. Even if Ichigo grabbed Orihime's breasts, it won't change a thing.

Fights even became dull, it was all,

ICHIGO : "I'm getting beat up, I'll power up! GRYAH!"

BADGUY: "Oh shit, he powered up and now I'm getting beat up. I'll power up too! KYAH!"

REPEAT 2X then

BADGUY: "Oh shit, he powered up and now I'm getting beat up again. But I have no more power ups. Beat me already. I respect you, man! "

ICHIGO: "I beat you. You were great I respect you too. "

Another thing was that it took him 300+ episodes to beat a single villain. Whereas compared to the mightier One Piece, 300 episodes would mean shitload of badguys. I'm not trying to be picky and all, but Aizen wasn't really interesting of a villain. And after he was beaten, I didn't get any satisfaction at all! 300 episodes for nothing.

Lastly before I end this post.
(I hate bashing on the anime I, myself watch, because it simply contradicts the point of watching it if I loath it. Right?)


Release your manga monthly, Mr. Tite Kubo!. I hate to say it but, your manga (as of now) is bad.

If you print a manga page without even a dialogue in it, it's fine. BUT IF YOU PUBLISH YOUR MANGA WITH HALF OF ITS CHAPTER WITHOUT EVEN A DIALOGUE IN IT you're lazy. Yes you're fucking lazy and you need to fix it.

Well, nothing's gonna change if I just bitch about it, let's show something for the readers, shall we?

Here's a page from Bleach.

Plenty, right?

Now here's a page from ONE PIECE.

Triple the panels, MORE DIALOGUES.

Both are groundbreaking moments but clearly the Bleach one is a fucking waste. And the One Piece page is a fight scene!

Well, enough whining. Bleach is AWESOME right?


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